About Me

CaroleGiangrandeHeadshot_Sm Hi, I’m Carole Giangrande — the author of the novels An Ordinary Star and A Forest Burning and the short story collection Missing Persons (all of them published by Cormorant Books) as well as two non-fiction books. My novella, A Gardener On The Moon was the 2010 co-winner of the Ken Klonsky Novella Contest and is published by Quattro Books. My most recent book is Midsummer, a novella published by Inanna. My writing’s been anthologized and published widely in Canada’s major journals and newspapers.

I’ve also worked as a broadcast journalist for CBC Radio in Toronto. My 50-part  literary podcast Words To Go (www.wordstogopodcast.com). has been downloaded 28,000 times in 30 countries. I have an incessant interest in theology and languages (Italian and French) and have recently taken up birdwatching. I’m an avid indoor gardener, music lover and photographer.

If you’d like to know more about my writing, visit my website at www.carolegiangrande.com. Click on the links and you can follow me on Facebook.

5 responses to “About Me

  1. Nancy Belle Fuller

    Dear Carole,

    As you may have figured out by now…when I “landed” in your magical space on here the other night, I thought that I had found a way to communicate with my old acquaintance, Gale Garnett

  2. Nancy Belle Fuller

    As somewhat of a mystical person…believing there are no mistakes in the Universe…I have decided to stay if you will have me.
    Happily learning of you and your work.You inspire me to write again…once…the child poet that gave up the fantasy for the stage very early in life. If you can, please send Gayle my best regards.

    (Nancy Belle Fuller)…for more info see IMDB

  3. Nola

    Carole. Thank you for the invitation to join your blog. Now I can do some thoughtful reading and quiet reflection. Always my fond regards.

  4. It’s great to meet you here, Nola!

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